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每天戴口罩很有必要吗英文,Yes, wearing a mask daily is necessary.


Whether wearing a mask every day is necessary or not depends on the current situation. Studies have shown that wearing a face covering can help prevent the spread of the virus when used while following other preventative measures, such as frequent handwashing, social distancing, and staying home when ill. It is vital to remember that cloth face coverings are not a substitute for social distancing. In fact, when used properly in combination with other techniques, wearing a face covering can help limit the spread of the virus. For instance, in situations where social distancing is difficult, wearing a cotton face mask can protect the wearer and people around them. This is especially important for people who may be Vulnerable to severe complications due to COVID-19. Wearing a mask can also reduce chances of unknowingly spreading the virus when there may be no visible symptoms of the infection. In conclusion, even though wearing a face mask alone may not prevent the spread of the virus significantly, it is necessary to take all measures in combination to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Thus, it is advisable to wear a face covering when going out in public or around people who may be Vulnerable.



